Until very recently it was widely believed that a certain page missing from Carroll's diaries covering the dates June 27 -29 1863 had been cut out to conceal the fact he had proposed marriage to 11-year old Alice Liddell on that day, and that this was the cause of the apparent rift that had developed between carroll and the Liddell family at this time. It was believed Alice's mother had discovered the proposal, or some other act of impropriety and had banned Carroll from seeing her children as a result. There was never any actual evidence that any of this had happened, and the whole story was supposition based on nothing more concrete than the fact the page was missing. This assumption was finally proved false in 1996, when the cut pages in diary document was discovered. This gave a brief summary of what had actually been written on the missing page, and it was absolutely nothing to do with Alice Liddell at all. There remains currently no known evidence that Carroll ever considered proposing marriage to Alice Liddell at this time.